The short answer is that FOCUSING is vital for Highly sensitive people, because when we’re focused our minds need to shut out stimulus, therefore helping not to over-stimulate in a proactive & positive way, versus struggling to “push away” what bothers us.
- Focusing is one wonderful way of entering our deepest self: where longed answers to many of life questionings lie. It’s hard to achieve, I know. At least it is for me, even if it has been made easier with practice (breathing & meditation techniques work wonders!).
- IN THAT SPECIAL PLACE, LIES OUR CREATIVE SELF AS WELL —> So focusing is something VERY productive~! An example of this, is one of my passions as a business manager/coach = DESIGN THINKING, because it aims to unleash creativity by centering attention. In practice, we play games, which takes us to the present moment in a trice! We are thinking what use we can give to a piece of cloth (focusing), running out of time to come up with an idea, and urged to pass on to my co-worker to keep up the game rolling, and that SIMPLE yet POWERFUL mechanic ignites creativity.
- Focusing is also a well-known therapeutic technique, by which we allow our mind to “listen” to our body, which beholds rich information for us. We learn to STAY with whatever sensation we register. By remaining, and joining the pain, itch, color, or whatever we sense, we LEARN about it, may be SURPRISED by the message it brings, and we shall be changed by it.
I find the new movement in favor of the digital detox very interesting, not only for Highly Sensitive People (HSP) but for everyone, since ALL BRAINS WILL BE AFFECTED IN THEIR PERFORMANCE DUE TO INTERFERENCES = internal or external distractions. The high-tech world showers us with the external ones! And do you know when these affect us the most? when we are multi-tasking! which in reality is just shifting tasks and convincing ourselves that we are advancing a little bit here, a little bit there, giving us the false expectation that we move faster and better versus “one thing at the time”. Neuroscientist Richard Davidson found that key circuitry in the prefrontal cortex gets into a synchronized state during sharp focus.
Focusing is therefore, for EVERYONE, a driver of health & excellence! And for HSPs is also vital, so not only can we be better at what we do but we can basically accomplish it at a low cost for the after-task. 💕